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Mennonite Mutual Aid Society reorganizes for 2010-11

Bluffton~Ac^a'not^a"cs oldest continually operating business, Mennonite Mutual Aid Society, held its 143rd annual meeting on April 24 and reorganized its board for 2010-11, according to Paul King, MMAS president.

The insurance company, with headquarters at 208 S. Main St., reported assets in 2009 of $1,176,058 with 1,432 policies in force.

Three new members joined the board with three-year terms. They are Lori Goldsberry, Lawrence Matthews and Daniel Fultz. Larry Crates was reelected for a three-year term. Other board members continuing in office are Keith Brauen, Paul King, Del Gratz and Joe Saltzman.

Completing three year terms and leaving the board were Jane Weaver, past chairperson, and Fred Steiner, past secretary.

During a reorganization of the board, the following individuals were elected to serve as officers:Paul King, president; Joe Saltzman, vice president, Del Gratz, treasurer; and Dan Fultz, secretary. Lawrence Matthews was elected to serve as board Chairperson.

Reporting to policyholders, Paul King, MMAS president, said, ~Ac^a'notA"Mennonite Mutual Aid Society experienced positive changes in 2009 in our business practices as well as modest growth in policyholder equity. This modest growth allows us to implement initiatives that improve our services to policyholders.~Ac^a'not^A
