January 1 Medical Maplecrest Ct.
January 1 Medical Railroad St.
January 1 Medical W. Elm St.
January 2 Medical C.R. 33
January 2 Medical N. Dixie Hwy.
January 2 Medical S.R. 103
January 2 Medical Garau St.
January 2 Medical Richland Drive
January 2 Medical Hillville Rd
January 3 Motor Vehicle Crash I-75
January 3 Motor Vehicle Crash S.R. 103
Bluffton Public Library shelves will be showcasing more than just books during the month of March. In honor of "Student Art Month," various art projects created by Bluffton and Cory-Rawson students will be displayed throughout the library.
Artwork may be viewed during regular library hours. For more information, visit the library or call 419-358-5016.
A course covering infant and child CPR techniques will take place at Bluffton Public Library on Thursday, April 15, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Representatives of the Allen County Chapter of the American Cross will teach the course. The cost is $35 per participant and the course is open to people ages 10 years old and above.
Space is limited and registration is required by Monday, April 5. For more information, visit the library or call 419-358-5016.
Southgate Lanes, Bluffton, is hosting a Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary "Colorama Bowling Fun Night" fundraiser on Friday and Saturday, March 19-20, according to John Dailey.
All proceeds go to the Bluffton Hospital expansion project.
The event offers countless door prizes plus several cash prizes ranging from $5, $10, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45 and several major prizes from area businesses.
AARP will offer a Driver Safety Program at the Bluffton Senior Center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 23, according to Tonya Meyer.
The program is the first and most recognized comprehensive nationwide course designed for older drivers. The course material is based on information gained through research to determine what is needed by this age group to update driver knowledge and skills.
The Gardeners of Buffton/Pandora Area next meeting is Tuesday, March 9, at 6:30 p.m., at the Bluffton Public Library. The topics will be starting seed indoors for spring planting, and winter squash - easy to grow, easy to keep over winter. The program is open to the public.