Southgate Lanes fundraiser supports Bluffton Hospital expansion project

Southgate Lanes, Bluffton, is hosting a Bluffton Hospital Auxiliary "Colorama Bowling Fun Night" fundraiser on Friday and Saturday, March 19-20, according to John Dailey.

All proceeds go to the Bluffton Hospital expansion project.

The event offers countless door prizes plus several cash prizes ranging from $5, $10, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45 and several major prizes from area businesses.

Those special prizes are from Comfort Inn, M&M Meats, The Olive Garden, Arby's, The Bistro, Ground Round, Hawthorne Hills Golf Club, Peg Whitmer massage therapist, plus OSU items, Woodwick Candles Boquets Plus and more.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at either the Bluffton Hospital or Southgate Lanes. Donations per ticket are $15 each and are available for adults 18 or older.

You do not need to bowl to participate. If you wish to bowl, there is room for 50 bowlers on March 19, and 50 bowlers on March 20.

Bowlers and non-bowlers have the chance to win. Multiple tickets may be purchased. Those prices are one ticket for $5, three for $10, 10 for $20, 20 for $30, 30 for $40, or 40 for $50. All door prizes will be drawn on March 20. You do not need to be present to win.

Special prize list

1. $100 Comfort Inn Nights Stay
2. $50 M & M Meats Gift Certificate
3. $50 M & M Meats Gift Certificate
4. $50 Aeropostale bear and fleece blanket and chocolate bar
5. $25 Olive Garden gift card
6. $25 M & M Meats gift certificate
7. $25 M & M Meats gift certificate
8. $20 Marathon gas card
9. $50 Christie's on the Square chocolate basket
10. $50+ OSU gift basket/musical Brutus/OSU sport cup/ Spinning car flag
11. $58 Arby's gift card $15/bowling pkts $30 2 separate pkts of 5 games ea
Thirsty's Shirt $13
12. $50 Hawthorne Hills 2 rounds - 18 holes and golf balls
13. Bistro on Main Restaurant
14. The Packard Grille
15. $50 Peg Whitmer Massage Therapist/Free - one full body massage
16. $55 Bio-Freeze spray $12.00/bowling $30 (2separate pkts of 5 games ea)
Jimmy Johnston commemorative racing shirt $13
17. $45 Size large Bluffton University wind breaker jacket
18. $50 QSU Buckeye hat $20/Bowling pkts $30 (2 separate pkts of 5 games ea)
19. $150 Two tickets Columbus Crew soccer game July 24
l Crew Soccer ball+ parking pass (Bruce Parkins donation)
20. $35 OSU basket/OSU glass block/with light/OSU car magnet/OSU Scarf
21. $42 Jumper cable with bag $12, bowling pkts $30 (2 separate pkts of 5 games ea)
22. $43 Bowling Pkts $30 (2 separate pkts of 5 games each), Thirsty's t-shirt $13
23. $33 Thirsty's gift certificate $20/Thirsty's Buckeye shirt $13
24. $58 Thirsty's sweatshirt $35/shirt $13 and gift certificate $10)
25. $25 Max & Erma's
26. $30 Max & Ermas $10/Bob Evans $10/Applebee's $10
27. $35 Waldo Pepper's $10 I Fricker's $10 I Main Street Deli $15
28. $37 Chipotle Grille $12/Stevi B's $12 /City Barbeque $13
29. Grab gag

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