All Bluffton Icon News

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Downtown Bluffton has a new weekly attraction that grew out of event closures on Vine Street. The one-block, one-way stretch off Main St. now closes from 7:00 a.m. on Saturdays until 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. The closure is scheduled through August.

C. 1950-1960 Swiss Day photograph from the Bluffton Public Library at

Pictured here: a photograph of several unidentified individuals gathered around a piano, taken during a Swiss Day celebration held in Bluffton, Ohio. According to information written on the back of the original photograph, the pianist is Nancy Wismer Hilty.

The Allen County Combined Health District will have a special meeting of the Board of Health on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 7:30 a.m..

L-R) Andrew Armstrong, Natalie Armstrong, Cindy Lee, Sponsor President Elect Jackie Bourassa and District Governor Elect Sue Davis

At the June 18 meeting of the Bluffton Lions Club, a new president and officers were installed and three new members were inducted.

The 15-page preliminary agenda is HERE.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

At the Monday, June 24 regular meeting of the Village of Bluffton council, there will be four items of legislation including a Resolution and Ordinance that will allow the Village to put a 0.4% increase in income tax for the purpose of Safety Services funding on the November 5 ballot.

Two canine Pet Partners made the Bluffton Public Library's first  "Read with Me" event a lot of fun. Organizers note, "We aren't sure who enjoyed it more --Max and Sam or the kids!" PHOTO provided.
