Many activities at MMH in December

Several events for residents are planned in December at the Mennonite Memorial Home. In addition, several residents celebrate birthdays in December.

Special events include:

o Dec. 2 - 1:30 p.m., middle school strings perform

oDec. 5 - 2:30 p.m., Kyrsti Groman's piano students perform

oDec. 7 - 6 p.m., resident family potluck

oDec. 8 - noon, resident family potluck

oDec. 14 - Blaze of Lghts outing

oDec. 15 - Cory-Rawson High School show choir

oDec. 16 - 3 p.m., Christmas Belles, Bill Herr, Gloria Herr quartet

oDec. 17 - 2:30 p.m., December birthday party

oDec. 21 - 6:30 p.m., Ada Baptist Church, Christmas program

oDec. 23 - 2 p.m., resident Christmas party

oDec. 31 - 2 p.m., New year's party

New residents

Kate Patterson, Katherine Luginbill, Gid Steiner, Raymond Nesler

Wedding anniversaries

Ken and Rhody Hartman, Dec. 24, 1950

Norm and Mary Lou Vercler, Dec. 26, 1951

Leonard and Jeanette Watswon, Dec. 31, 1975

Employees receiving service awards:

First year - Marylin Basinger, Amanda Newland, Megan Rausch, Amanda Courtney, Cathy Flory, Amber lee, Joyce Wymer, Becky Suarez, Mary Ann Ring, Carrie Reichenbach, Dellia Villearreal, Juie Hunt, Jane Mackedanza, Dianne Leatherman, Kristen Niekamp

10 years - Jane Morado, Leigh Ann Alspach, Holly Bauman, Marcia Phillips

15 years - Karen Brown

20 years - Tiffany Gleason, Jane Shaw

25 years - Deb Lehman

Resident birthdays

3rd - Kathryn Snyder

5th - Sophia Johns

15th - Dorothy Lloyd

17th- Carolyn Neff

20th - Pauline Hirschler

20th - Mary Lou Knightg

21st - Zona Wyss

22nd - Mattie VanAtta

25th - Pauline Geiger

28th - Rosemary Moyer

Sunday worship service leaders

9:30 a.m. in the chapel

6th - Bill Herr

13th - Bill Herr

20th - Dennis Maurer

27th - Duane Bollenbacher

Tuesday evening worship services

6:30 p.m. in the chapel

1st - Steve Yoder, First Mennonite

8th - Kevin Mohr, English Lutheran

15th - Tom Dearth, County Line Church of the Brethren

22nd - Peg Murphy, St. Mary's Catholic

29th - John Mummert