By Paula Pyzik Scott
Bluffton Icon owner-editor
Here’s a head-scratcher: do Icon readers know the difference between news and advertising? I’ve found myself explaining what’s news and what’s advertising–at least on the pages of the Bluffton Icon and the Ada Icon–several times recently.
While both are posted at the discretion of the publisher, news is provided for the benefit of readers with no financial considerations. The Icon also has a distinctly local focus. For example, you won’t find coverage of the Olympics unless the story has local ties.
Advertising is a service that is purchased by a business, organization or individual. Again, you won’t find ads for Disneyland or diamonds, unless they’re being purchased by a local business or organization.
Is focused on information of current interest to the Icon’s target audience, people who live in the Bluffton and Ada areas or who have a special interest in these places, including former residents.