December must be Denny Edinger and Dick Boehr's favorite month

By Fred Steiner
Two guys we know pretty well must think that December 2009 is their favorite month of the year. We are thinking of Denny Edinger and Dick Boehr.

First, Denny: As officer in charge of the Bluffton Post Office, next week, for example, has the busiest mailing day of the year. Therefore, Denny's favorite day of the year is certainly Monday, Dec. 14. On that day the Postal Service expects to deliver 839 million cards and letters. That's only double the average daily volume.

It gets better. The busiest delivery day of the year is two days later: Dec. 16. That's when the 839 million get delivered.

So, we asked Denny for some tips to make his day, and all the employees of the Bluffton post office happier. Here's his suggestion:

"We know that customers are looking at options for shipping their holiday gifts and the postal service offers a great combination of value and convenience. By going online, customers can take care of their shipping needs right from their home computers.

Denny suggests going to From there you can print postage and shipping labels directly from your computer with Click-N-Ship. You even get a discount when you ship online, and you get free Delivery Confirmation when you use Click-N-Ship. Plus, you can schedule free package pickup online as well, so you can take care of all of your shipping from your computer without ever leaving home.

For Dick Boehr, December means the completion of the Benroth Bridge renovation project. The bridge at the Buckeye had a serious renovation this year.

As Dick puts it: "When Sam Reineke said recently that the boards are ready," it released several emotions at the same time.

First, it means that the bridge has no more broken boards. Second, it means that we need to find a couple days to do the job.

Dick continued: "Well, thanks to many workers, the job was done by 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 30.

"We are all extremely grateful to the volunteers with all their tools, generators, compressors, trucks, trailers, crow bars and power nailers. Of course, this kind of job doesn't happen without the muscle and energy to 'get it done.' "

Dick, on behalf of the Benroth Bridge committee offered special thanks to David Augsburger, Tom Benroth, Jerry Burkholder, Norm Reichenbach, Sam Reineke, Dennis Shiedler, Lonnie Warren and Ed Yeager for all their time and efforts on the project.

Dick says that project is a credit to Eugene and Evelyn Benroth, who did more for Bluffton than most people today will ever know.