Pandora's Riley Creek Festival is Friday and Saturday, Aug. 12-13. Events on Friday include a car show, outdoor movie, food and carnival games.
Saturday's events include a parade, breakfast and lunch, chicken barbecue, health fair, performers, punt, pass and kick contest for youth, an auction an activities for children.
For a complete schedule open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
Two community meals are planned in August by the Bluffton Inner Church Board. The free meals are at 6 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 4, and 6 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 18, at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, 132 N. Main St.
The Aug. 4 dinner is sponsored by Bluffton Trinity United Methodist Church. The Aug. 18 dinner is sponsored by the SHANNON Service Club.
Monetary donations support the work of the Bluffton Community Assistance food pantry.
Keith Edwin Moyer, 56, of Rawson, died at 2:27 a.m., July 28, 2011 at Bridge Hospice Care Center, Findlay.
He was born Dec. 6, 1954, in Lima, to Edwin and Dorothea (Tissot) Moyer. Mr. Moyer worked as a police officer for Deshler, North Baltimore and McComb and also worked at McBrown Industries, Rawson. He was a lifetime member of North American Hunting Club and National Rife Association. He graduated from Lima Senior.
Camp Friedenswald, Cassopolis, Mich., has motivated to teach and uphold the Mennonite and Anabaptist faith for over 60 years. Throughout those years, a variety of people have helped cultivate what is now a thriving and efficient camp.
Although staff members and volunteers of Camp Friedenswald come from all over the world, there is a large group of people from the Bluffton and Pandora area who have felt it their calling to serve at Friedenswald.
Anna Michelle Feasel of Tiffin and Adam Joseph Brooks of Charlottesville, Va., and formerly of Bluffton, announce their engagement.
Anna is the daughter of Jim and Suzie Feasel of Tiffin. She graduated from Tiffin Calvert High School in 2003 and the University of Akron in 2008 with a bachelor's degree in dietetics. Anna is employed by ACAC Fitness and Wellness Centers as Operations Manager at ACAC Adventure Central, Charlottesville, Va.
The Icon wishes two Bluffton residents belated birthday.
Kathleen Mikkelen, resident of the Mennonite Memorial Home, turned 94 on July 3. Erma Augsburger, resident of the Mennonite Memorial Home, turned 92 on July 21.
Icon viewers may submit birthday announcements of area senior residents. Click here for details.