All Bluffton Icon News

Has the Bluffton sesquicentennial struck your family history bone. If so, the Bluffton Public Library can help your quest for information.

The Bluffton Public Library has made a flyer available to persons interested in local history and genealogy material. The flyer lists all materials housed in the Shannon Room, which are non-circulating. Persons with questions should ask the library staff.

Over 2,000 views. That's the total number of clicks Icon viewers have made to view the 25 Bluffton Icon sesquicentennial videos. The videos continue to be available by clicking here.

Videos range from the sesquicentennial parade (we've not yet posted the entire parade, watch for it this week), Wheels' cruise, opening ceremonies, the outdoor band concert and several of the afternoon lectures.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner
I've never really understood the fascination that some people have for cars. I'll blame this one on my parents. Unlike other families, we didn't get a new car very often, nor did we have multiple cars....despite the fact that we had five kids.

Click for more columns by MPS.

Eugene Basinger

L. Eugene Basinger, 92, of Bluffton died 8:35 a.m. July 1, 2011 at Memorial Memorial Home, Bluffton. He was born on his family farm south of the Ebenezer Mennonite Church on Phillips Road in Bluffton on Feb. 14, 1919. He was the sixth of seven living children of Daniel J. and Elizabeth Bixel Basinger.

Sesqu final day

Joseph Schumacher stirs a kettle where maple syrup is being formed during the Bluffton Boy Scout Indian Village encampment at the Buckeye on Saturday. Click for a video.

FDR was elected president of the United States in 1932. He became the 32nd president. You are looking at the Ohio license plate for that year. The Icon spotted the plate at this year's Wheels Festival.
