Several area Mennonite churches are participants in the Black Swamp Benefit taking place Friday and Saturday, June 17-18 at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, Wauseon.
For a printer-friendly flier on activities open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
Open registration for Bluffton soccer will begin Monday, June 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Bluffton Middle School.
Parents may also register their children on June 23, 28 and 30 at the same time. The cost per family is $45 for one child; $40 for the second child, and $35 for the third child.
For a printer-friendly copy of the flyer open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
Everett Collier, Bluffton postmaster, asked The Icon to post a recent update involving first-class mailing prices. A printer-friendly list of current postal rates may be found on the attachment at the bottom of this story.