All Bluffton Icon News

A Summer Personal Training Special is now offered to anyone over the age of 14 years at BFR.

The summer special offers six 30-minute training sessions for a package rate of $60 for non-members. Personal training is an option for new exercisers as well as individuals who are training for an athletic event or to increase their physical abilities.

A free in-depth social media workshop, co-sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce and Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs, is being offering to interested area residents.

Persons interested in attending must RSVP to [email protected] by noon on Wednesday.

111th commencement

Bluffton University faculty applaud members of the 2011 graduation class as they proceed to their commencement seating Sunday afternoon at Salzman Stadium. Click here for a video.

By: Josh Bruner, sports information assistant

The Bluffton University baseball team hosted the Manchester College Spartans on Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7 for a three-game series to end the season for the Beavers.

One whopper of a nest

No question - a very large bird laid these extremely large eggs in this enormous nest on High Street. This photo doesn't begin to demonstrate the size of this nest. Check it out yourself.

Has the price of gas pushed persons who live in Bluffton and work in Lima, Findlay or other area communities to seriously consider organizing car pools?

Recently Icon viewer Robert Demeelweek suggested carpooling's time has come. He did so in the following letter:
