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First National Bank of Pandora asks consumers, "Do you Kasasa?" as it becomes the newest financial institution in Ohio to launch one of the country's most innovative financial products.

Kasasa is a new brand of free checking and savings accounts that pays consumers to use their account with what interests them most - high interest, automatic savings or digital downloads from iTunes or

These accounts offer residents a better checking account option than the mega bank experience.

Dear Business Owners:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Sesquicentennial Committee will not be able to sponsor the raffle.

If you wish to give out your designated gift, you may do so on your own terms. Thank you for your time and patience.

Beverly Amstutz
Terri Mullenhour

Bluffton University is expanding an academic option that enables high school students to earn Bluffton credit by completing Bluffton courses-without leaving their high school.

The university is working with three Mennonite high schools to enhance its dual-enrollment course offerings. Dual-enrollment courses are approved college courses taught by teachers at the high schools. They also give Bluffton the opportunity to connect with promising prospective students.

Rockport United Methodist Church will hold its annual Memorial Day service on Monday, May 30. The service will start at 11 a.m. in the cemetery and will progress to the church. The guest speaker will be Jim King of Bluffton.

Following the service, there will be a luncheon in the church basement consisting of sandwiches, salads, baked beans, pies, cake, coffee and punch.

The church is located at 5505 Rockport Road, Columbus Grove. The pastor is Rich Rakay. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Will someone please turn off the tap? Rain continues this month just as it did in April. During the first nine days of May nearly 1 inch or rain fell. We experienced a one-day dry spell on May 5 when it did not rain for the first time since April 21. Here the the weekly weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Date Max tem Min Precipitation

During the month of May Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio celebrates Older Americans Month with a host of activities and special programs.

"It is a great time to celebrate the lives of our elders and share their talents and stories with the others," said Marketing Director Julie Stratton.

Beginning Monday, May 8, it is also National Nursing Home Week.

"The Mennonite Memorial Home invites you to join us as we celebrate with special events throughout the month, said Stratton.
