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Fill it up for 15 cents in Bluffton


Kathleen Mikkelsen of Mennonite Memorial Home provided this classic photo to The Icon. It shows Ralph Diller, operator of Brilliant Bronze gasoline station, a product of Johnson Oil Co. The photo was taken between 1938-40.

The station was located on the site of today's Bluffton Dari Freeze at the corner of South Main and Bentley.

There are several items to examiine in this photo. The price of gas is 10 cents, 5 cents for tax, totalling 15 cents (per gallon?). Notice the "contains lead" labels.

Look in the photos background. Where there are now houses along Harmon Road, there is a barn.

We welcome other Icon viewers comments on this photo. Ralph Diller was Kathleen Mikkelsen's brother-in-law. He was married to Kathleen's twin sister, Gerry.