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Bluffton's favorite spring and summer Saturday morning past time, the Bluffton Farmer's Market, launches its 2011 season on Saturday morning, May 7.

According to Peter Previte, market coordinator, the familiar downtown market will once again be located in the Citizens National Bank parking lot between the bank and the post office.

"We anticipate 17 vendors on Saturday," said Previte. "We have some new vendors this year, and once the season gets rolling customers may select from meat products, flowers, vegetables, jams, bread, pies, eggs, honey, you name it."

Pot attacked by squirrel

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

Last Sunday, the rain let up just enough that I decided it was time to do some planting. Despite a hankering for a new high-rise raised bed, I'd decided instead to do mostly container gardening.

Read more of Mary's blogs by clicking here.

Having done this successfully several years ago, and bolstered by an article posted on the Stratton Greenhouses Facebook page, I headed out to the playhouse.

It's not your usual Ohio license plate. What's different about it? It's on a motorcycle. The Icon spotted this at the Bluffton Hospital.

Bluffton's oldest continually operating business, Mennonite Mutual Aid Society, held its 144th Annual meeting on April 30 and reorganized its board for 2011-12, according to Lynn Mohler, manager.

The insurance company, with headquarters at 208 S. Main St., Bluffton, reported assets in 2010 of $1,270,185 with 1,404 policies in force.

Current board members are, Paul King, Lawrence Matthews, Joe Saltzman, Jr., Dan Fultz, Del Gratz, E Keith Brauen, Larry Crates and Lori Goldsberry.

Bluffton High School senior and student at Apollo Career Center Mary Huffman is a candidate for queen of the Apollo prom set for May 7.

Apollo's prom is from 8-11 p.m. The theme is 'Lumieres de Paris' or 'The Lights of Paris'.

Decorations for the prom include Eiffel towers, centerpieces created by Floral Design students, and a replica of the Arch de Triomphe.

Candidates for prom queen in addition to Huffman are Whitney Allen from Elida, Peyton Clark from Perry, Kim Davis from Bath, and Emily Fernandez from Elida.

Bluffton Post Office letter carriers will participate in the post office's annual spring food drive. The event is Saturday, May 14.

Postal patrons are invited to leave canned food items near their mailboxes for pick up.

Persons with questions may contact the Bluffton post office.
