Progress continues on the Bluffton Hospital construction project. Here's the latest report on work being completed.
Last Week:
The plumbing was able to make the final switch to the new water supply system. On Thursday morning, the fire sprinkler system was switched to the new system and, at the same time, the gas system was switched over.
The designers were also able to resolve some elevation problems so that driveway grading can continue.
There's still time to form a team to enter this summer's Friends of the Bluffton Public Library golf scramble. Team registrations are due by May 25. The event is held at the Bluffton Golf Club on June 4.
To download a flyer on the event open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
If ever there was a reason to hold a garage sale in Bluffton, you might seriously consider holding it on May 19-20-21.
The the three-day weekend of the Blufton Public Library's third annual community garage sale. To be listed in the library's publicity you must registered by May 4.
Contact the library for details or download the poster attachment at the bottom of this story.
Make way for Grand Shannon. The Bluffton Sportsmen's Club 67th annual trout derby, held Sunday, May 1, will honor the village sesquicentennial by naming its number one tagged ground "Grand Shannon."
This year's derby has over $4,000 in cash and prizes on tagged trout.
Icon viewers had a hand in naming this year's fish. The Sportsmen's Club invited The Icon to poll viewers on four suggested names for this year's tag number 1. Icon viewers chose "Grand Shannon."
BFR will offer several youth tennis programs this spring and summer, according to Carole Enneking.
BFF Sports and Fitness offers traditional lessons for youth as well as the newly created USTA Quickstart program.
Limited space for returning players is available in the remaining four-week session of traditional lessons.
Summer programs will include Quickstart program as well as traditional lessons. Quickstart (for ages 6-10 years) blends tennis skills with smaller court play.