All Bluffton Icon News

Sportsman Scores bowled on: Apr. 11
High Game

Todd Basinger 269
Chris Lee 268
Steve Swisher 268
Denny Caskie 268
Nate Bogart 258
Todd Basinger 258
Derek Dukes 258

High Series
Todd Basinger 762
Paul Simko 685
Steve Swisher 684
Chris Lee 673
Bob Lydick 671
Brian Huether 666
Alan Thielen 664

Blanchard Valley Hospital (BVH), Findlay, is offering a robotic-assisted gynecological surgery educational presentation and da Vinci robot demonstration Thursday, April 28 at 6 p.m. in Marathon Auditorium at Blanchard Valley Hospital.

The seminar is for women who want to learn more about robotic-assisted surgery options for the treatment of:
* Endometriosis
* Fibroids
* Hysterectomy
* Infertility

This is your last chance for Relay For Life Kick-Off meals. Tickets are still available at Greg's Pharmacy through Saturday for the discounted price of $4.50.

After Saturday they will not be available until Tuesday at the door for $5.

"We will purchase extra meals, but they will be on a first come first serve basis," says Sharon Garmatter of the event committee.

Which three Bluffton businesses would you miss if they closed their doors?

Is is a car dealer, coffee shop, movie theatre, book store, insurance agency, florist or greenhouse, hardware, pharmacy, thrift store or restaurant?

Community banking and supporting local businesses is what it's all about, states First National Bank in a news release to The Icon.

To celebrate Community Banking month in April, First National Bank employees have unanimously committed to supporting local, independent businesses.

The Bluffton University football team is raising funds for the program by selling cards offering discounts at local businesses.

The cards, which cost $10 apiece, are valid until April 13, 2012, and cover nearly two dozen businesses where discounts are available. Most of them are restaurants either in Bluffton-including Burger King, East of Chicago Pizza, Common Grounds and Arby's-or in Findlay.

For more information, contact any football player or Chris Gable, athletics department secretary, at 419-358-3227.

The Icon spotted this Putnam County plate on Main Street.
