All Bluffton Icon News

One of Stratton Greenhouses' flowering Main Street pots

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce encourages community members, businesses and organizations to participate in Stratton Greenhouses' annual downtown summer flowerpot beautification program this summer.

Katie Basinger is talking to young Haitians via an interpreter at one of the Mission Possible schools. Click on image to enlarge.

Last month Icon viewers learned about volunteers at the Mennonite Memorial Home involved in relief efforts for Haiti.

This month the story continues. Thirty-six area residents, mostly members of St. John Mennonite Church, Pandora, along with several others from around northwestern Ohio are either now in Haiti or headed there soon.

Learn how to save a life by becoming certified in adult CPR at the Bluffton Public Library on Saturday, March 19, from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Participants will receive a two year adult CPR certification upon the completion of the class.

Participants must register by Friday, March 11, and a fee of $40 is due at registration. The class, which is limited to 10 participants, is open to people ages 14 years old and above. Don't miss this opportunity to help protect the ones you love.

The big chill

Winter has a chilling effect on the electric meter on Bluffton's First National Bank office.

Elizabeth Nisly smiles behind her spelling bee trophy

What do the words slave, denim, cobalt, idiom, hyphen, algebra, opossum, dichotomy and aggregate have in common?

Here's what: Twelve-year-old seventh grader Elizabeth Nisly spelled each word correctly on her way to become Bluffton's first-ever Allen County spelling bee champ this past weekend.

The title advances her to a regional spelling bee contest on March 19 at OSU-Lima. There the top three middle school spellers from six or seven counties compete.

Here's an amateur radio plate that The Icon spotted in the Community Market parking lot.
