A discussion of Rick Bragg's book "Ava's Man" will take place in the family room of Maple Crest Senior Living Village on Monday, Jan. 24, at 2:30 p.m.
Copies of the book are available at Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main St., Bluffton. Maple Crest Senior Living Village is located at 700 Maple Crest Ct., Bluffton.
In celebration of "Appreciate a Dragon Day," the Bluffton Public Library will host a special screening of a popular animated dragon movie on Friday, Jan. 14, at 3:15 p.m.
This program is free and open to all ages, but registration at the front desk or by phone is requested. The movie is rated PG with a running time of one hour and 38 minutes. Free popcorn will be provided. For more information or to register, call 419-358-5016.
Youth ages 12-18 are invited to celebrate the birth of Alice in Wonderland's creator, Lewis Carroll, by checking out a copy of "The Looking Glass Wars" at Bluffton Public Library's front desk. A discussion of the book will be held on Thursday, Jan. 27, at 4 p.m. in the Youth Activity Room at the library.
Free refreshments will be provided for those participating in the discussion. Call Youth Services Coordinator Rikki Steingass at 419-358-5016 for more information.
Let it snow! Pandora-Bluffton experienced 10.7 inches of snow in December, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. That's off the charts for the average December snowfall here.
The 60-year average December snow fall is a meager 2.69 inches. This year, the heaviest snow came Dec. 12 when 6 inches fell. That followed a 1.5-inch snow on Dec. 10. The snow remained on the ground and gave the Icon viewing area a white Christmas.
Take a wild guess. What was Pandora-Bluffton's average temperature in 2010?
Answer: 51.6 degrees.
Okay, how about this one: Did we receive more rain or snow in 2010?
Answer: Snowfall 44.8 inches; rain 34.83 inches.
Those facts and more are part of Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer's finding for weather patterns in 2010. Here's how those figures stacked up against the 60-year averages:
60-year average precipitation 35.79 inches
2010: 34.83
60-year average temperature: 49.6 degrees
2010: 51.6 degrees
David Hooley, Bluffton High School senior, is the December BHS student of the month. He isa member of Math Club, Renaissance Committee, Show Choir and First Mennonite Church youth group. He participates in soccer and tennis at BHS.
Hooley has enrolled in several post-secondary classes at Bluffton University. He hopes to pursue mathematics at either Goshen College or Eastern Mennonite University.
He is the son of Don and Mary Ina Hooley, 330 S. Jackson St., Blufftyon.