Three events are planned in October by the Bluffton Lions Club.
The Oct. 5 meeting features Dr. Tony Fuller, veterinarian from Findlay speaking on "Living in Kenya." The Oct. 19 meeting features Rachel Lewis, music educator and therapist at Bluffton Elementary speaking on "Music Therapy & Children with special needs".
On Oct. 23 club members will be involved in a highway cleanup.
Bluffton Lions meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 11:50 a.m. at Maple Crest.
For the last 34 years Marty Hostetler has been creating quilts of all types and sizes. Since Hostetler retired from teaching first grade in Bluffton, she has had more time to devote to her quilts. She has put together more than 50 quilts so far.
This quilt could be yours! The Bluffton Lions Foundation is raffling this original Dick Cookson quilt to benefit the Bluffton Hospital. The quilt design is "Tree of Life." The quilt measures 96 by 103 inches. The quilt winner will be announced at this year's Blaze of Lights on Nov. 27. Cookson, a member of the Bluffton Lions, spent 900 hours, including eight months of cross-stitching to complete the work. Raffle tickets are $5 each or three for $10. Dick Boehr, a member of the Lions, was selling raffle tickets and displaying the quilt during last weekend's fall festival.
Two community meals are scheduled in November by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association. Both meals are at 6 p.m. at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.
The meals are Thursday, Oct. 7, hosted by the Bluffton Presbyterian Church, and Thursday, Oct. 21, hosted by the Mennonite Memorial Home.
The meals are open to the public. Donations accepted are given to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry.
Bluffton Police Department Public Docket
September 30, 2010
September 1
-Officers responded to a N. Lawn Ave. residence in regard to an ongoing neighbor dispute
September 2
-Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash at the intersection of Jefferson St. and N. Main St. Leland Schrock, 24, Delphos, was cited for Assured Clear Distance and the case is pending in Bluffton Mayor's Court.