Beyond Budgeting of Bluffton will host an informal workshop, "Leaving a Love Legacy," from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m., Monday, Feb. 28, in the Richland Room of the Bluffton Public Library, according to Beth Boehr of Beyond Budgeting.
During the interactive workshop Boehr will share with participants what documents are needed and practical organizational tips so that important documents may be easily located in case of an emergency.
The Mennonite Memorial Home has a need for a volunteer in its Mobile Meal program.
"We deliver Mobile Meals to people in the Bluffton community. Each day the meals are delivered by a local volunteer. Currently we have a need for a volunteer on the third Monday of each month," said Mary Ann Ring, volunteer coordinator.
"The volunteering only takes about 45 miutes and starts at 11:30 a.m. If any one is interested they can contact Ring at 419-358-1015.
The Bluffton Fire Department is asking for your help. With the recent snows, fire hydrants in the Village of Bluffton have become snow covered, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief."
The fire department is asking that you help out by clearing the snow around the fire hydrants in your yard or in your neighborhoods," he said.
If you notice a hydrant in your neighborhood that needs cleaned please call 419-358-8606 and press option 1 and leave a message.
The Bluffton Athletic Boosters will hold a spaghetti dinner at Bluffton Middle School from 4-6 p.m. tonight (Feb, 12), prior to the JV/Varsity Home boys basketball game against Liberty Benton.
The dinner includes spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread and a beverage. Desserts will be sold for an additional cost.
Jon Kinn, Bluffton fire chief, asks residents to clean snow away from fire hydrants in their neighborhood. A hydrant like this one could be a serious problem in the event of its needed use.
Cupid's Cupboard and Cafe with a bake sale and lunch is planned from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 12, at St. John's United Church of Christ, 223 W. College Ave.
The cafe menu includes a selection of homemade soups, a hot chicken sandwich, relishes, pie and beverages. Meals are $5 each. Ala carte items are $2.