If only we could turn this month's icicles into cold cash, we'd be rich. These frozen drips are from a bridge crossing Riley Creek. Photo by Jean Cook.
By Kirstie Runion, Bluffton University Icon intern
Save your Saturday night, Jan. 29, for some sugar and sweets at Bluffton Elementary School. The PTO is hosting Bakery Bingo. This event is open to the public; anyone can come from 6-8 p.m. and satisfy their cravings.
For a chance to win cakes, cookies and candies, just purchase a pack of Bingo cards at the door and play! One pack costs $1 each and you may buy as many as you wish. Bingo will continue until the goodies are all gone.
The day started at minus 4 below, the weather couldn't have been better for a Klondike Derby.
Two young Bluffton Boy Scout Troop 256 teams scored well against generally older competition at the annual Camp Berry Klondike Derby on Jan. 22.
Fifty-seven teams entered the derby. Bluffton's teams, the "Pit Vipers" finished 39th, and the "Fire Extinguishers" finished 45th. Bluffton teams included scouts aged 11-13, who did very well for their age.
February calendars for Bluffton High School, Middle School and Elementary are now posted on the school website. The Icon provides the following links to these calendars.