Buckeye Quarry to be open for swimming this summer as sesquicentennial project

Although the Buckeye quarry hasn't been used for over 10 years for public swimming that will change this year. As part of Bluffton's sesquicentennial the quarry will reopen for swimming from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Service clubs, individuals are businesses are being invited to contribute funds to construct a low diving board to the quarry. If enough funds are collected, a medium dive may also be put into place. An anonymous donor has paid for a raft and rope to designate the swimming area in the quarry.

Unfortunately, a slide, high diving board and cement deck will not be added to the mix due to lack of funds.

Several former pool managers are expected to return on Memorial Day weekend to give quarry tests to persons interested in swimming in the Buckeye. Those managers include Ron Motter, Terry Marshall, Steve Sutermeister and Ray Ruggley.

Persons interested in contributing to the Buckeye sesquicentennial project may send donations to: April First Project, Buckeye Quarry Lane, Bluffton, OH 45817.