The Alzheimer's Association support group will meet at 3:30 p.m., the third month of each month (Nov. 15) and the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. (Nov. 9) at Mennonite Memorial Home.
For more information contact Tricia Herrmann or Emily Koogler at 419-358-1015.
Chiles-Laman Funeral and Cremation Services will hold a tree of remembrance memorial service on Sunday, Dec. 5, at The Centre, 601 N. Main St., Bluffton, according to Gordon Diller.The service is a special event we provide for all the families we have served throughout the year, according to Diller.
Dave Dobradenka is the Bluffton popcorn-eating champion of 2010. Dave won the Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn eating contest during Shirley's customer appreciation event on Nov. 6.
Dave managed to down one tub and one handful of popcorn in five minutes, beating out seven other contestants, according to Pete Suter of Shirley's.
With Dave are his team of supporters, Jessica Dobradenka, Debbie Wise, Dave, Tammy Cottle, Wynter Wise and Kortney Cottle.
Dave wins a one-year supply of popcorn from Shirley's.
Here's what we know about this photo, taken by Will A. Triplett around 1900. There is a W.A. Morrison livery and feed stable sign in background. One horse's head is blurry as it probably moved during the picture.
Suddenly it's fall; suddenly it's summer. One day the thermometer hits 21. Later in the week it reaches 66. What's going on here? Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, provides the highs, lows and precipitation for the first eight days of November.