All Bluffton Icon News

Continuing "breaking' news

The "breaking (window) news" story at Luke's Bar and Grill continues. Although the window is now boarded up, the establishment offers an unusual special offer on it's new marquee. To view the deer photos from Friday click here.

Bluffton police responded to 257 calls during October. The monthly report was released as part of the Nov. 8 council packet. To view the report open the attachment at the bottom of this story.


The Spring Street bridge is ready for paving. That's the word from Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. Mehaffie told Bluffton council on Nov. 8 that the once the paving is completed the guard rails will be installed and the bridge will then be open to vehicular traffic.

Steve Chamberlain, village solicitor, told council that the annexation hearing for the South Dixie Highway area is on the Allen County Commissioners' calendar. The hearing is at 10 a.m., Jan. 11, in the commissioners' office.

Lunch menus for Bluffton High School and Middle School-Elementary for November are now available.

Click here for high school menu.

Click here for middle school-elementary menu.

First National Bank of Pandora has installed ATM machines at the University of Findlay's Koehler Center and on the main campus at Bluffton Hospital.

The Bluffton machine can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the hospital cafeteria in Bluffton. The University of Findlay ATM is available for use during the Koehler Center's normal operating hours, typically 6 a.m. to 11p.m.

Sheriff Michael E. Heldman announced the Ohio Department of Public Safety's (ODPS) Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) awarded $29,363 in federal traffic safety funding to Hancock County Sheriff's Office for federal fiscal year 2011.
