All Bluffton Icon News

Congressional visit

Fourth District U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan (left) talks with Mike Richards of Bluffton following a Bluffton-Pandora Rotary Club breakfast, which featured Jordan as speaker.

2-hour delay

Several Bluffton High School musicians earned Superiors (I) and Excellents (II) at the recent solo and ensemble contest. Those students follow:

Superiors ("I")

Class A
Danielle Rhonemus voice
Liz Diller voice
Mary Woodruff cello
Meredith Bixel piano
Julian Harnish piano
Jane Sycks trumpet

The Icon spotted YOR 4 in the Maple Crest parking lot. We'd appreciate viewer response concerning this plate's meaning.

Dear Area Business,
The parents of the Bluffton High School Junior Class are in the process of organizing Post Prom activities for Saturday, April 30, 2011. It is the responsibility of the Junior Class parents to sponsor and conduct this event for the BHS Junior and Senior Classes.

Good news for The Gift of Giving, the Light show extravagance at Bluffton's Blaze of Lights. The show has found a home for off-season storage.
