Letter: BHS junior class parents seeking post-prom business donations

Dear Area Business,
The parents of the Bluffton High School Junior Class are in the process of organizing Post Prom activities for Saturday, April 30, 2011. It is the responsibility of the Junior Class parents to sponsor and conduct this event for the BHS Junior and Senior Classes.

As parents, our goal is to give our young people a fun, safe, and alcohol-free evening to enjoy. We will be providing various chaperoned games and activities for their participation between the hours of midnight and 3:00 a.m. at Bluffton University Marbeck Center and Burcky Gym.

Along with these activities, we hope to collect enough donated door prizes so that every BHS junior and senior who attends will receive a gift.

We are counting on generous businesses, such as yourself, to help us with door prizes. This donation can be monetary, a gift certificate, and/or a product from your business. Such donations are tax deductible.

The students really enjoy the "door prize" part of the evening and are very appreciative. Your company name will be listed in the Post Prom program and in the newspaper as a contributor. Thank you very much for your consideration! Any door prize or donation towards a door prize is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions about our Post Prom evening, or would like to have your donations picked up by a student or Post Prom Committee member, please feel free to contact any member listed below.

Your donation can also be mailed to Chris Gable or Cindy Luginbuhl at the address listed below.

~Checks should be made payable to: BHS Post-Prom 2011~Or
Chris Gable would be happy to pick up the door prize at your convenience.

A response by Monday, March 14, 2011 would be most helpful and greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity,
The 2010-11 BHS Post Prom Committee
Chris Gable Cindy Luginbuhl
120 Shannon Street 9110 Shifferly Rd.
Bluffton OH 45817 Bluffton OH 45817
419.358.5597 419.236.3934
[email protected]

A business agreement form is attached to the bottom of this letter.