All Bluffton Icon News

It's Dec. 25. You're still in need of a last-minute Christmas present that's so inexpensive that it makes you wonder if the original Bush tax cuts will ever trickle down and heal your check book.

Fear not. We bring you good tidings of great joy. Here's a Christmas present you may give to anyone who has even the most remote connection to Bluffton, Ohio.

Give someone The Bluffton Icon as a home page! Here's how:

More Main Street lights

The Buroker residence on South Main Street offers an outdoor and indoor light display.

More Main Street lights

The Buroker residence on South Main Street offers an outdoor and indoor light display.

Click on photo to enlarge

Here's former Bluffton sixth grade teacher, Bob Stratton, with his daughter, Barb. Paul Diller took this color slide photo, we are guessing in the late 1950s. Any Icon Viewer with more information, please contact us. We'd love to hear from Barb, too. (From the Jim Diller collection)

Here are the Christmas eve church services that area congregations provided to The Icon.

o First United Methodist Church
Christmas Eve Service
Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols, 7 p.m.
Pre-service music starts at approximately 6:35 p.m.

o Emmanuel United Church of Christ
Christmas Eve Service
There will be a special production by the children and lots of Christmas singing with the service starting at 6 p.m.
