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Here are five Bluffton residents from the 1890s. The two identified are Bertha Althaus (front left) and her brother, Werner Althaus. The other three girls are friends of Bertha.

The photo is actually a publicity shot for Bertha's milliner business. She created fancy women's hats popular during the time this photo was taken. The women's hats in the photo were created by Bertha.

Werner was a professional musician who toured with Al G. Fields Minstrels, a forerunner of Vaudeville.

Trace of snow. That must mean it's December. Here's the high, low and precipitation recorded by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, for the first six days of the month

Date High Low Rain Snow

Dec. 1 31 23 0.03
Dec. 2 31 23 trace
Dec. 3 34 24
Dec. 4 31 26 trace
Dec. 5 31 20 0.01
Dec. 6 25 16 0.01

Josh Bracy and Elizabeth Nisly - click on image to enlarge

Seventh grade Elizabeth Nisly correctly spelled "incendiary" and "malleable" after sixth grade Jason Bracy incorrectly switched the "e" and "I" on "variegated." Elizabeth's correct spellings earned her the Bluffton Middle School spelling bee crown of 2010.

She will represent Bluffton in the county spelling bee in February. Jason will be her alternate. Katie Scott, seventh grader, was third.

The bee, held Dec. 8, went 10 rounds before the final two competitors each spelled seven words correctly; then came "variegated."

Swiss weekend event

Click here to learn about Gary Wetherill's storytelling, which takes places this weekend, held by the Swiss Historical Society.


Gary Wetherill reads Twas the Night Before Christmas as attentive listeners, from left, are Seth Pannabecker (seated), Jackson Steinmetz, standing, Kate Pannabecker, Mia Pannabecker and Tate Steinmetz.

Wetherill's storytelling is among highlights of this weekend's Swiss Community Historical Society open house.

The historical society invites residents to a Christmas season open house at the historic 1843 Swiss farmstead, 8350 Bixel Road, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 11 and 12.

Hours are Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

One in a Number, a Bluffton women's choir will perform during the December Bluffton Senior Citizen dinner meeting.

The dinner is at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 8, at the Center. Schnipke Inn, Ottawa, is catering the dinner. Treva Kinsinger, who turns 90 in December will receive a life membership at the dinner.

MC is Don Wymer. Hostesses are Kay Burkholder and friends.

Several other events take place this month at the Center.
