Interurban train/trolley service on Bluffton's Main Street may seem like a chapter of forgotten Bluffton, but on Monday, August 12, Bluffton Council passed around a hefty chunk of that rail line. This summer, extreme heat buckled a portion of rail that still lies under Main St. Last week, crews excavated and removed the twisted rail and sliced off a hefty piece for display.
For more information on the Western Ohio Railway, see the following:
Emmanuel UCC claims back-to-back-to-back championships in Bluffton Family YMCA summer softball championships. Riley Creek Sportswear sponsored the championship t-shirts. Teams in the league: Beers, Bluffton Community, Dirty Pitches, Emmanuel UCC, Ebenezer, Good Vibrations, GROB Group 1, Sumi Sluggers.
Bluffton University will host a fun and free event with nighttime education for the community. Dr. Jacob Buchanan, M’Della Moon endowed chair in Botany and Environmental Science, and Tim Kleman, program specialist with the Hancock Park District, will educate the community on moths.
Dave Stratton, the new president of Greater Lima Region Inc. will be speaking at the Bluffton Lions Club meeting on Tuesday, August 20 at noon.
Stratton will talk about his new role, provide business updates for the community, Allen County and the eight-county region which he represents as well as entertain
The meeting, which takes place on the third floor of Bluffton Town Hall, is free and open to the public.
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted
August 19
Art Exhibit: “Elegies of Unrest,” by Justin Johnson, 8-5 p.m. weekdays, 1-5 p.m. weekends, through Oct. 5. Reception: 10 a.m, - Noon, Saturday, Oct. 5. Artist Talk 10:30 a.m., Grace Albrecht Gallery Sauder Visual Arts Center
August 20
Forum: “Becoming Rooted,” Opening Convocation by Dr. Sarah Fedirka, associate professor of English at University of Findlay, 10:45 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall