All Bluffton Icon News

Jerry Suter says that fall starts when pumpkins are in season. Here are the pumpkins, so it must be autumn. These orange-(and white) vine plants are available at Suter's Produce. Now that Suter's Morning Star Cider Press on Putnam County Line Road is open, the days and nights are beginning to feel like a change of season.

Mark DePue

First National Bank announces that Mark DePue was awarded a diploma on Aug. 20, at commencement exercises during the 66th annual session of the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. DePue is the Senior Vice President and Senior Lender of First National Bank.

BFR Sports and Fitness will begin the fall Adult Coed Volleyball League the week of Sep. 27. A competitive team division will play on Monday nights and a recreational division will play on Thursday nights.

Matches are scheduled from 7-9 p.m. The league will include six nights of divisional play and a tournament.

Registration form and team fee of $130 is due by the first night of play. Interested teams are encouraged to contact BFR (419-358-4150) immediately.

Bluffton University has appointed Bluffton alumnus Daryl Dowdy as interim director of multicultural affairs at the university.

Dowdy is a 1990 Bluffton graduate, with a bachelor's degree in recreation management. He was also a member of the basketball team and, since 2003, has been an adjunct faculty member. He is teaching two courses this fall, including one section of the first-year seminar course.

This much is a guess, but a good one. The initials of two people are proclaimed on this plate. The Icon spotted CYS DMA in the parking lot near the university baseball field.

Here's an Ohio plate that is becoming more and more common. It belongs to a veteran of the Vietnam conflict. The Icon spotted this on Main Street.
