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BHS girls cross country team at Tiffin

By Hannah Chappell-Dick


At 6:05 am last Saturday morning, the Bluffton HS cross country team once again loaded up their sports bags, water bottles, (lots of) food, the tent and of course, the power log, and began the hour drive to Tiffin to complete in the Tiffin Cross Country Carnival.

Gregg Luginbuhl^aEURTMs ^aEURoeRustic Decanter XII^aEUR

Two ceramic works in Bluffton artist Gregg Luginbuhl's "Rustic Decanter" series are on exhibit at the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Museum of Art, while two others in the series are on display at Owens Community College in Perrysburg, Ohio.

"Rustic Decanter XI," a stoneware fuel-can form, and "Rustic Decanter XII," a porcelain work with a rusty surface, are part of the 2010 Contemporary Realism Biennial, a national, juried show that opened recently at the Fort Wayne museum.

Three campus events, all free and open to the public, are planned at Bluffton University to mark World Peace Day, observed on Tuesday, Sept. 21.

The Lion and Lamb Peace Arts Center at Bluffton will host an open house and reception from 1-5 p.m. that day.

Visitors can see the center's new look and browse its library collection and art displays. A drawing to win free books will be held, and the first 21 guests will receive a free "peace" bracelet. Other bracelets may be purchased for $1 each. The center is located in the lower level of Riley Court on Spring Street.

Dr. Frank Dobson Jr., author of the novel The Race is Not Given and the newly released Rendered Invisible: Stories of Blacks, Whites, Love and Death, will read from his work at 4 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27, in Bluffton University's Musselman Library. The reading is free and open to the public.

Dobson is executive director of the Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and has taught African-American and American fiction courses at Wright State University, Dayton.

Dr. Perry Bush, history and religion department chair at Bluffton University, will present "Becoming C.: The Anabaptist History of Henry Smith" at a Bluffton Colloquium Friday, Sept. 24. The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 4 p.m. in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Centennial Hall.

Bush will outline his research on Mennonite historian and longtime Bluffton faculty member C. Henry Smith, one of the first Mennonites to earn a doctorate and stay in the Mennonite church.

Bluffton Police Department Public Docket
August 2010
