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15 minutes with Evan McCarthy

Evan McCarthy with Daisy

When did you move to Bluffton? Was that difficult for you or were you so young you don't remember much about that?

I moved to Bluffton around age 4 from Columbus and then Ada within a year. From what I remember it was exciting, especially the whole living on a farm thing.

When did you graduate from high school?

I graduated from high school in 2008.

Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Favorite course in high school? What activities were you involved in during middle and high school?

My favorite teacher tended to change from year to year depending on the classes I was taking. One that was especially great (partially because of how much she put up with from me and my friends in class) was Senora Ybarra the Spanish teacher. My favorite course was Yearbook, because it involved being creative and playing around with cameras and Photoshop, all things that I enjoyed doing. In high school I was involved in Soccer, Band, Yearbook, NHS, and a bunch of clubs that I only went to once a year.

Tell me about the strangest thing that you remember from your school years. This obviously has to be printable, but I'm interested in funny and/or odd stories. Did you ever get in trouble during school?

Well, my senior year a friend and I decided it would be fun to try to steal the copy of the Declaration of Independence that was attached to Mrs. Lovell~Ac^a'not^a"cs classroom wall (kind of like in the National Treasure Movie, only without treasure). We waited until she had gone off to lunch or something and then snuck in the back door of the room and unscrewed all of the screws only to be disappointed to discover that someone had used some kind of super glue thing to permanently attach it to the wall. We then put all of the screws back in and retreated to the cafeteria for lunch.

What was your favorite cafeteria food? Least favorite?

Favorite cafeteria food? I spent my last year of high school eating everywhere else in town while ~Ac^a'notA"coming back~Ac^a'not^A
