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Construction is proceeding on the new Yammine Lodge at Camp Berry. With the placement of the last truss, the senior patrol leader of Scouts BSA Troop 304 James Hedrick and Scout Tyler Kogan were on hand to lash a pine sapling to the last truss for a topping out ceremony. A topping out ceremony is a construction tradition that has been occurring in some fashion for centuries as a celebration of a project milestone. Traditionally, this ceremony occurs when the final structural beam is raised into place, completing the building's frame.

Look down, way down, at the display case near the circulation desk at the Bluffton Public Library, and you'll find this display of life in miniature. Also in the case are a fascinating variety of origami, Lego figures and dolls. Remind anyone else of the Friendly Giant?

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

In 2022, the number one New Year’s resolution was to lose weight. Other surveys found 23% wanted to live healthier, while 21% wanted personal improvement. I would not be surprised if 2023 is similar. 

How likely is one to keep their resolution?

The statistics are surprisingly good. Survey data reported 75% maintain their resolution for one week with the number dropping to 64% at one month. At six months, 46% maintain their resolution. This is encouraging. Some psychologists suggest the best way to succeed is to be realistic, plan ahead, reward yourself, track your progress and do not beat yourself up. 

As I read the advice, it reminded me of the 1991 comedy, What About Bob?. The movie starred Bill Murray as Bob Wiley who was a troubled patient of Dr. Leo Marvin played by Richard Dreyfus. Dr. Marvin was a psychotherapist who had finished a book called Baby Steps. Murray’s character followed Dr. Marvin on vacation and befriended his family. Dr. Marvin was invited to discuss his book on morning television and the directors invited Bob to participate. Bob stole the show with his discussion of the baby step technique, while Dr. Marvin lost control of the interview. 

By Bill Herr

What was the first Bluffton High School Pirate sports team to win a state championship?

The 1981 varsity wrestling team. In wrestling at Bluffton High School, there have been 48 Pirate wrestlers that qualified for the State Championships in the 46 years between 1975 and 2021. 24 of them qualified multiple times and 7 became State Champions. The high caliber of this sport at BHS reached a peak in 1981 when the varsity wrestling team won the State Championship. This is their story.

The Bluffton Public Library has announced, "We’re returning to our regular hours, starting January 2023!" as well as the following events and services. Subscribe to library news HERE.

Library hours are: 

Mondays -Thursdays: 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 

Fridays: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 

Saturdays: 9:30 a.m-2:00 p.m. 


From Jan. 1 to Jan. 31, Bluffton Public Library is participating in “All the Feels,” a Winter Reading Challenge sponsored by Beanstack. We challenge our community to read and log at least 7 hours a week during the challenge. Earn fun emoji-themed badges for logging your reading, completing activities, submitting book reviews, and earning bingo.  Paper and digital bingo cards are available!

The Board of Trustees of Bluffton Public Library has announced its meeting schedule for 2023. 

Meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the library's Board Room at 145 South Main St., Bluffton. No meetings will take place in July or December.

Board meetings are open to the public. Board members are:

Bob Beer, president

Nancy Yeager, vice president

Carrie Phillips, secretary

Amy Lehman Mikesell

Robert Scott
