All Bluffton Icon News

By Paula Scott
Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon editor-owner

On Friday, November 11, I posted an item noting that the Icon office would be closed for the day. It is part of my new scheme to schedule a few days off while the Icons provide fresh content every day. The item resulted in a letter that opened, “You FINALLY have identified yourself….” 

Perhaps this would be a good time to reintroduce myself.

Bluffton University’s Chamber Ensembles will perform a fall concert at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 20 in Yoder Recital Hall. 

The concert will include vocal solos and duets with chamber instrumental selections from the Baroque era of classical music. 

UPDATE: Please note that reservations for this meeting were due last week.

Annual meeting is part of the November agenda

This article is an excerpt from the Golden Age News for November 2022.

At 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 14, members of the Bluffton Senior Citizens center will enjoy a monthly dinner meeting with a meal catered by Ted's Market and a program provided by local historian Fred Steiner. The emcee will be Deb Beer.

The meal will be shredded beef, scalloped potatoes, green beans, dinner roll and cheese cake.

By Fred Steiner

The following article posted on Bluffton Forever was written by the late Rolland Stratton. It is also a chapter in the book “A Good Place To Miss: Bluffton Stories."

I was a 7-year-old boy in November of 1918. We lived at 118 East Elm Street, where I was born. On November 11, I remember coming out of the house and every bell in town was ringing and the fire whistle at the light plant was blowing. 

People came out on the street and learned that the war had ended. A neighbor, Mrs. Frank Herrmann, came running out and wanted to know what was going on. She cried when we told her that the war was over. 

I can still see her wiping her tears with her apron. She had several sons in the army, and her son, Sylvan, returned home badly wounded. 

Several businessmen and some other residents formed an im- promptu parade. My guess is that there were over 100 adults and perhaps 20 or so children involved. Many of the men, probably a dozen, shot guns during the parade. 
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Olivia Matthews, a senior at Bluffton High School has been named the October 2022 student of the month. Olivia is the daughter of Brendon and Renee' Matthews of Bluffton. Olivia is a very active student and maintains a 4.000 GPA. 

Know Bluffton's Bob Verb as a BHS swim coach or as a neighbor? Meet Ada's Bob Verb, Ohio Northern University professor of Biological Sciences.

Student Hannah Gill, an environmental and field biology major, interviews Professor Verb in a YouTube series called Between Two Bookshelves.

Among the questions Verb answers:

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

What kinds of things do you research?

What is your favorite class to teach?

What is the coolest thing you've seen in Natural History?

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