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Dr. Melissa Friesen, professor of theatre, chose “The Diary of Anne Frank” as this year’s fall play at Bluffton University for both its historical elements and continued importance as a story today.  

“The danger of hatred, fascism, political and ideological differences separating society so strongly that some people want to destroy other people, sadly feels very relevant in the world right now,” said Friesen. 

  • ‘Jaye Bumbaugh and Crows’  opening event 5:00-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 17
  • 65 Town Square, Lima

ArtSpace/Lima has announced the display of work by the late Jaye Bumbaugh, who was an artist, teacher and professor at Bluffton University whose work often featured whimsical crows, many of which were centered around stories made up from childhood.

Bumbaugh’s ceramic and printed  crows are part of the  ‘Lost. Recovered. Reborn.’ exhibition at ArtSpace. His work will be located in the third floor gallery. 

For the month of November, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers will be working together to increase safety on our roadways and stress the importance of wearing a seatbelt– every time, every trip– day or night. 

According to NHTSA, the national use rate was at 90.4% in 2021 and saved about 14,955 lives in 2017. Choosing to wear a seat belt is easy and can save your life.  Failure to use appropriate vehicle safety equipment, including child passenger safety seats, can lead to serious or even fatal injuries. Choose to Click It! 

By Katie Prater and Megan Breier, student pharmacists
With Karen Kier, pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Mind over matter is a phrase defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as “the power of the mind to control and influence the body”. If you are a fan of A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh, you might know the song Mind Over Matter from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The song is sung to Pooh when he gets stuck in the door and Christopher Robin and friends are trying to convince Pooh to use his mind over his body.  

  • Friday, Nov 11, 8:00-10:00 p.m., "Uranus at Opposition"
  • ONU Observatory, 800 W Lincoln Ave

The public is invited to drop by the ONU Observatory between 8:00-10:00 p.m. on Friday, November 11, for the fourth public astronomy event at ONU Observatory for this Fall.

Q: What's round, green and full of methane gas?  
A: Uranus!  

Yes, Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun is the inspiration for our event this Friday.

Bluffton Elementary has announced the following first quarter Honor Roll for the 2022-2023 school year:

All A’s

Fourth Grade

Julia Brauen, Emily Byers, Wesley Combs, Quinn Cupples, Aiden Diller, Claire Dukes, Elijah Fry, Haddy Glick, Lydia Gratz, Gabriella Holmes, Henrietta Kaiser, Milena King, Zachary Lehmkuhle, Averie Marquart, Mikah Miller, Kayla Mueller, Sage Music, Simon Phillips, Samuel Rinaldi, McKenna Stoner, Caroline Stratton

Fifth Grade
