All Bluffton Icon News

The Village of Bluffton has announced the following public meetings:

Pathway Board – Thursday, November 3 at noon.

Safety Services Committee – Monday, November 7 at noon.

Utilities Committee – Tuesday, November 8 at noon.

Personnel Committee – Wednesday, November 9 at noon.

Parks & Recreation Committee – Thursday, November 10 at 1:00 p.m.

Village Council – Monday, November 14 at 7:00 p.m.

All meetings are at the Town Hall, 154 N. Main St. unless otherwise noted.

Join us in thanking Fine Touch Furniture, 513 N Johnson St, Ada, for advertising in the Ada Icon. The reupholstery and new furniture business announced its 36th anniversary in August.

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By Cort Reynolds

Six Bluffton High School football players made second team all-league for Fall 2022 in voting recently conducted by the NWC league coaches.

Junior receiver Braeden Jordan was named second team all-conference. He caught 23 passes for 532 yards (3.1 avg.) and four touchdowns.

Pirate senior lineman Jacob Granger was voted second team all-league on offense. 

The Bluffton landscape is beautfiul but dry as evidenced by this look at the Little Riley in Buckeye Park. Photo by Levi Sutkay.

Trick or Treat night in Bluffton is from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 27. An area news outlet accidentally listed it as Wednesday.

Fortunately, today's rain is forecast to go away.

NEW: Trick or Treat color page from the Bluffton Icon.

Bluffton Family Recreation had a beautiful outdoor volleyball tournament on October 22 at Southgate Lanes. Enjoying weather suited to shorts and tees, there were eight teams in the tournament. Team "Cover the Tip" won the tournament, advancing from the loser's bracket and beating the top team twice to win the double elimination tournament.

Teams that participated with costumes were Pacman, Inmates, WWE Wrestlers and Power Rangers.
