Yes! we are seeking advertisers! Here's how you can benefit from The Icon

A message to area business owners:

Welcome to The Bluffton Icon. Our focus is Bluffton, but you already know that.

We launched The Icon in late September, 2009. Starting at zero, we will soon experience 35,000 total views. Here's our growth record:
o In November 1,050 average views a week.
o In December 1,750 average views a week.
o In January 2,450 average views a week.

You can see we are growing as the word gets out. We change the site daily to keep viewer interest. As we evolve we add new features.

You'll notice numerous businesses advertise on The Icon. Most of these businesses approached us, which is very exciting and encouraging.

Our readers are loyal. Many use The Icon as their computer home page. We reach readers on Twitter and Facebook, where we have a support group approaching 400 and growing.

We offer free classified ads to individuals (exceptions are autos and homes for sale, which we charge a minimal fee). You can imagine our viewing numbers when garage sale season begins.

Our viewers are all ages. Most are Bluffton residents with young families. They are experienced Internet users and use the Internet as their primary source for information.

Our rates are extremely affordable. We designed these with small businesses in mind. Most importantly to you, our advertisers have visibility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are like a Bluffton billboard.

We encourage you to consider linking your website with us. We have several advertising options designed for small businesses like yours interested in reaching Bluffton customers.

Please contact us to learn more about your advertising opportunities on Bluffton's hottest new advertising medium - The Bluffton Icon.

Send us an e-mail and we will contact you with specific advertising options. We are at [email protected]

Thank you!
Fred and Mary Steiner