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Send BHS class reunion information to The Icon

Is your Bluffton High School class holding a reunion this summer? The Icon would like to know the reunion details. Reunion planners are invited to provide the Icon with the date, time and location of any summer reunions. The Icon is also interested in publishing class photos and a 2010 reunion photo of these classes.

Reunion planners should e-mail information to: [email protected].


High cholesterol isn't easy, nor is it fun

One day long ago (24 years or so), a certain obstetrician was about to begin yet another C-section. As he set about his work, another physician sat waiting and watching. I'm not sure what his technical job was but apparently he felt oblitated to keep the expectant parents entertained and therefore, oblivious to the surgical procedure.


Here's the spring school calendar

As the end of the Bluffton school year draws near, the school calendar is filled with concerts, award assemblies and other traditional spring events. Here are some of the major events from the Bluffton High School calendar now until the end of school. Each event listed with a time is in the middle school cafetorium. Prom is at The Centre.

April 16-17-18 - Spring musical

April 24 - Prom

May 2 - Show choir performance, 2 p.m.

May 3 - Middle school choir concert, 7 p.m.

May 5 - Seniors paint the street

May 6 - Rain date on street painting


"Jitterbug Juliet" takes the stage this weekend

"Jitterbug Juliet," a sunny and high-spirited musical comedy, will be presented on the Middle School cafetorium stage by the Bluffton High School Drama Club in three performances this weekend, according to Kevin Gratz, director.

Performances are 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17 and at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 18. Reserved seating tickets are $5 and general admission is $3. Tickets are on sale at the Middle School office.

The musical plot follows:


Pinewood derby: Gentlemen, start your engines

View of 2010 pinewood derby

Provided by Dr. Darrell Groman
Bluffton Cub Scout Pack 256 held the annual Pinewood Derby on March 27 at the Bluffton Elementary School Gym Raceway. The excitement was in the air on Race Day leading up to the 8:30 a.m. start time. The Tiger Cubs had decorated the gym walls with black and white checkered flags and a number of colorful hand - crafted posters. One anonymous poster summed the anticipation of Race Day "Come tothe Pinewood Derby. It is going to be osom. Let's go racing, boys!"


Chamber "working session"

Chamber "working session"

Dick Boehr offers his view during the April 9 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting. Forty-five chamber members discussed ideas they would like to see take place in Bluffton during a "working session" of the chamber. On the right of Boehr, and around the table, are Dale Metzger, Lyle Arnold, Jon Kinn, Mandy Kinn (off photo), Sandy Gleason, Angie Halcomb, Bill Yokas, Gene Heitmeyer, Rick Skilliter and John Bauer.
