University Camerata Singers at Grace Mennonite March 21

Camerata Singers

The Bluffton University Camerata Singers will sing in the 10:30 a.m. worship service of Grace Mennonite Church, Pandora, on Sunday, March 21, according to Dennis Schmidt, pastor.

Camerata Singers is a select 29-member choir conducted by Judy Hall, adjunct professor of music for Dr. Mark Suderman while he is on sabbatical this spring. Allison Ringold, adjunct piano instructor, is the group's accompanist.

This year's theme is "Awake: Sing and Make Music." The choral selections come from a variety of textual and musical sources, including major works, hymn tunes, spirituals, and pieces from various historical periods.

The worship service will be followed by a potluck dinner open to the public.

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