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Hey, elementary students, draw a picture of your teacher!

For Teacher Appreciation Week; two winners and their teachers will win pizzas

Bluffton PTO and the Icon will celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 4 to 8.

To celebrate, the two organizations invite Bluffton elementary students to tell Icon viewers about your awesome teacher.


This truck is a long way from home

Check out the mud flap on the truck in front of you. 

No big deal? Maybe it is. It's a Ken Lugibihl Truck Sales vehicle with what appears to be an Indiana plate.

According to former Bluffton resident Bill Luginbuhl the truck was a mile from his house in Chicago. He snapped the photo as he was following the truck. 

This truck is a long way from home.


Most viewers in recent Icon poll voted absentee after March 17

Icon poll shows most viewers voted absentee after March 17. Take the newest poll - how many people have you come into contact with closer than 6 feet during April. Click here to take the poll or go to the bottom right column of the home page.


Wear your mask proudly

Hi, I'm Kaitlyn Paynter

Welcome to the Icon's feature "Wear your mask proudly." We invite viewers to send a photo of themselves wearing a mask. 

It's a way to encourage viewers to wear masks when in public and to recognize those who are thoughful enough to take the time to wear one.

Send your mask photo to: [email protected].


We miss you, too

Bluffton's popular breakfast restaurant, Lu Lu's Diner on East College Avenue, has closed due to the COVID-19 virus. The sign in front of the restaurant says it all.

Andrew Renner, Alexis Cash 2020 outstanding university athletes

A.C. Burcky and Kathryn Little award winners

Bluffton University is recognizing standout senior athletes in basketball and track/cross as the 2020 athletes of the year.  (The all-time list is at the bottom of this story.)

Andrew Renner
Andrew Renner of Cairo, received the 2020 A.C. Burcky Award as outstanding senior male athlete of the year.
