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Announcing the Bluffton Middle School honor roll

For the first quarter of 2019-20

Here's the Bluffton Middle School honor roll for the first quarter of the 2019-20 school year.

All “A” Honor Roll

6th Grade:  Isaiah Ansley, Aubrey Burkholder, Oliver Combs, Grady Coonfare, Calvin Derstine, Kynzie Ewing, Emily Granger, Elizabeth Hartzler, Lily Liberato, Alayna Mueller, Hudson Phillips, Micah Rehm, Macy Schaadt, Ava Smallcombe, Elizabeth Suter, Yasmin Teixeira, Blair Utendorf


Planning commission gets Parkview development phase II update

Also discusses zoning options in Jefferson Street neighborhood

Bluffton’s village planning commission, meeting Nov. 4, discussed phase II of the Parkview subdivision and also zoning along Jefferson Street between the railroad and county line.

Members of the planning commission are Mayor Richard Johnson, Bob Amstutz, Roger Edwards and Dick Ramseyer. Also attending were Jesse Blackburn, village administrator, and Mitch Kingsley, council representative.

Click here for the initial announcement of the development.


"I forgot my gloves and I can't feel my thumb!"

"I forgot my gloves and I can't feel my thumb!"
- Mark Smith

That's the winner caption to our most recent "write a caption to this photo" contest. The photo shows Nate Gundy with thumb in the air sitting with Brett Buller at the state semi-final boys' Division III soccer game.

Nate and Brett, both BHS soccer alums, live in Orrville and attended the game that sent Bluffton HS into the state finals.

Icon viewer Mark Smith wrote the winning caption and will receive five passes to the Shannon Theatre.


BCE Blog: Cookie crumbs and building permits

Next brown bag discussion Nov. 19

By Paula Scott, BCE Executive Director
The Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE) is hosting a Brown Bag Discussion series on topics of interest to small businesses.

The small group gatherings at town hall are designed to fit into busy schedules and allow for plenty of questions and answers. You’re welcome to bring your lunch or dinner, while the BCE provides dessert.

On Oct. 23, our conversation focused on commercial building permits, with Jesse Blackburn of the Village of Bluffton and Mike Rudey of Wood County Inspection fielding our questions.


Here's Bluffton council committee schedules

The following Bluffton council committee meetings were set at the Nov. 11 council meeting. All meetings are in the Bluffton town hall.
• Personnel Committee - Wednesday 11/13 at noon.
• Streets, Lights, Alleys & Sidewalks – Wednesday, 11/13 at 5:30 p.m.
• Pathway Board -  Thursday, 11/21 at noon. 
• Council Meeting – Monday, 11/25 at 7 p.m. 



4.9 inches of snowfall on Nov. 11

Here's the daily weather summary for November from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Snowfall on Nov. 11 reached 4.9 inches. Temperatures in the first 11 days of the month ranged from a high of 53 degrees on Nov. 6, to a low of 17 two days later.

