Help your unwanted business wear find a new home

Spring cleaning can take on new meaning in Bluffton if it includes parting with adult career wear that's still in quality condition.

Clothes fitting that description-if not their current owner's waist or taste-can find a new home through the free, annual clothing swap sponsored in April by Bluffton University's Fashion and Interiors Association (FIA).

Anyone wishing to participate should take their clean, wearable items for adult men and women, including fashion accessories, to the A/B Room in Bluffton's Marbeck Center between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday, April 26. The number of items will be recorded on a ticket given to the donor, who should bring it along when returning for the swap, which will be held in the same room from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 27.

The ticket shows that the donor has given something to swap for something, and allows organizers to see how many items are donated and swapped. But there is no limit on the number of items either donated or taken, and if people come and see something they would like to have, they may take it whether they've donated anything or not. And if donors aren't sure of their clothing's condition, organizers will help them decide.

Clothing and accessories left after the swap are donated to the Et Cetera Shop in Bluffton.

For more information, contact either Tasha Eickholt, a Bluffton student and the event chairperson, at 419-615-5919 or [email protected], or Dr. Christine Nerad, associate professor and FIA faculty advisor, at 419-358-3497 (office), 740-503-3038 or [email protected].