Letter: Please don't mow roadside grasses

Dear Richland Township,

Do you realize that our roadsides and hedgerows of the past allowed for abundant migration for birds and butterflies?

These small creatures cannot get far without native grasses and foods such as berries, cattails, wildflowers and grasses that once grew along roadsides. Agribusiness chemical farming techniques have eliminated our traditional hedge rows to make large fields more appropriate for their huge machines to harvest and plow monocrops. And we mow our country roadsides.

Why? Because it looks "dirty" if we don't? When I asked a township trustee candidate about it he said that it gives the guy who works the snowplow something to do in the summer. Natural diversified roadsides provide no danger for traffic and could offer beauty as well as give our dwindling winged wildlife a fighting chance at survival.

Please don't mow the roadsides.


The Lorax
