Teacher MAC grant deadline July 31
The deadline is just a few days away for area teachers to apply for a McDonald's MAC Grant. Teachers wanting to apply for the MAC Grant must have their applications postmarked or submitted electronically by July 31, 2010.
Teachers can download an application or submit an application online by visiting www.jerrylewismcdonalds.com/macgrants. The application is very simple so there is still plenty of time for teachers to complete the application before the deadline.
The MAC Grants program offers financial support to help teachers Make Activities Count for their students in the classroom.
Jerry Lewis' McDonald's Restaurants offer this educational initiative to assist area school teachers with their job of educating today's youth. McDonald's MAC Grants supplement regular classroom curriculum by supporting activities that the school's budget may not allow.
Kindergarten through eighth grade teachers may apply for up to $400 for interesting and educational projects in their classrooms. Because McDonald's is soliciting ideas from teachers, project ideas are limitless.
Since 2004 Jerry Lewis' McDonald's Restaurants have awarded more than $94,000 in local grant monies to more than 260 area teachers. For more information call 419-225-5916.