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Bluffton circa 1922

Here's an unusual snapshot taken in Bluffton. The people in the photo are ready to board the Western Ohio Railway (electric interurban) on Main Street. On the back of the photo is written: "Marie Ringleman taking a ride on the interurban in Bluffton, Ohio about 1922 or so."

Richard Jordan sent photo to the Icon with a note saying that he believes the handwriting on the back belongs to Austin Lehmann, whose wife was Helen Basinger Lehmann; she grew up at 536 S. Main St., sister of Ethel Basinger, who worked in Jordan's insurance agency.

Richard continues: "Joanne Vercler Niswander says Marie is BC 1919, wed a Rempel but she's not sure which one."

(Photo from the Richard A. Basinger collection)