First Mennonite Women organize for 2010-11

First Mennonite Women's 20-10-11 programming is underway. In September the organization met on Sept. 13. Seven additional meetings following during 2010-11.

Oct. 11 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., project day in Fellowship Hall. Business and a lunch are at noon. Hostesses are Wanda Pannabecker and Irene Hamman. For World Food Day, members are asked to bring items for the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry.

Nov. 8 - 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall. The program is "Our neighbors across the street - our mission." Paul McKibben, Louise Wideman and Terry Chappell will present the program.

Jan. 10 - 2 to 4 p.m., at Mennonite Memorial Home. The program is "One in a Number," presented by Wendy Chappell-Dick and friends. Elnore Yost is the hostess.

Feb. 14 - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., project day in Fellowship Hall. Business and a lunch are at noon. Hostesses are Glennys Henry, Mary Ina Hooley and Willadene Keeney.

March 14 - 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall. Laurel Neufeld Weaver will present a program titled "Human Trafficking."

April 11 - 6 p.m., area Mennonite Women will meet at St. John Mennonite, Pandora. The date and time may change.

May 9 - 6 p.m., Fellowship Hall. The program is the annual women and children's banquet. Debra Nisley and friends will present a puppet show.

Officers for Mennonite Women in 2010-11 are Fran Core, chair; Barb Stettler, treasurer; Betty Shelly, secretary; Ella Bazzy, Trella Kauffman, Sarah Basinger, projects committee; Alice Ruth Ramseyer, mission projects; Ginger Theis, school kits/health kits; Jane Hooley and Dottie Long, devotions.