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Second floor concrete poured at hospital

Several projects are on the schedule for the Bluffton Hospital construction during the week of Oct. 18.

Underground plumbing in the new Emergency Department is complete and plumbing inspection is scheduled. The electrical contractor has started underground electrical rough-in.

Second floor concrete has been poured. Concrete pads for oxygen and propane tanks and the new generator are being prepared along with part of the parking lot next to the alley. Various curbs in this area are also being prepared.

Continuing wood blocking on the roof near the eyebrow which will be a transition for the roof material. Preparing to set the stairs next to the new Emergency Department area. These will provide access to the second floor and roof when complete.

Work continues on metal studs as well as the exterior eyebrow and exterior board. Masonry work is in process on the Harmon Road side of the building with cleanup also taking place on previously installed work.

Concrete columns that support the canopy at the new Emergency Department entrance are scheduled to begin this week.
Work in the new Surgery Department area continues with duct work, conduit, metal studs and dry wall. Preliminary work is underway to specify and purchase directional signage, furniture, and data and telecom electronics.
