October MS students of the month

The October Students of the Month for Bluffton Middle School were recently announced. Click here for photos.

6th Grade:

Kristen Yost, daughter of Jason and Jennifer Yost, Bluffton.
Kristen is a member of the BMS Strings and band programs. She attends Stonbridge Church of God in Findlay and is in Dance at Cindy's Tap on Wood in Columbus Grove.

Isaac Andreas, son of Jan Wiebe and Jonathan Andreas, Bluffton. Isaac was a member of Quiz Bowl last year and is currently taking private lessons for violin. He attends the First Mennonite Church and is in the youth group. He plays indoor soccer at the BFR.

7th Grade:

Mia Edwards is the daughter of Angel Lombardo, Bluffton and Ben Edwards, Rockport. Mia is a member of the BMS Strings and Band programs.

Dylan Whitlow is the son of Tammy Whitlow, Bluffton and Warren Whitlow of Hunter Town, Ind. Dylan is a member of the BMS choir. He attends church at the Lima Community Church and is in the youth group. He is in 4-H and attends Club JV.

8th Grade:

Kiya Schlievert is the daughter of Julie and Brian Schlievert, Bluffton.
Kiya play the flute for the BMS band and is planning on running track in the spring. She attends youth group.

Eric Prater is the son of Kelly and Bill Baker of Columbus Grove, and Rich Prater of Alger. Eric plays football, basketball, baseball and wrestles.

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