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Swiss historical society Christmas open house Saturday and Sunday


Gary Wetherill reads Twas the Night Before Christmas as attentive listeners, from left, are Seth Pannabecker (seated), Jackson Steinmetz, standing, Kate Pannabecker, Mia Pannabecker and Tate Steinmetz.

Wetherill's storytelling is among highlights of this weekend's Swiss Community Historical Society open house.

The historical society invites residents to a Christmas season open house at the historic 1843 Swiss farmstead, 8350 Bixel Road, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 11 and 12.

Hours are Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Christmas decorations of the 19th century will highlight the occasion on both days.

On Saturday, the program also includes live music of the period, and stories for children around the authentic kitchen fireplace, with refreshments for all. Wetherill will read stories to children.

Musical performers on Saturday include:
o Cello trio carols (Wendy Chappell-Dick, Julian Harnish, Paul Neufeld-Weaver)
o Sara and Wendy Chappell-Dick, flute and dulcimer
o Harnish family cello, recorder, guitar
o One in a Number: The Bluffton Women's Choir
o Bluffton High School fiddlers
o Travis Unterbrink

The Sunday program will be solely the open house of the newly-restored 1843 dwelling and the featured decorations. Free admission both days.
