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John McMinn accepts call as Bluffton Baptist Church pastor

John McMinn - click on image to enlarge

John McMinn has accepted the call as pastor of Bluffton Baptist Church this winter, according to Dave Miller, chairman of the church deacons. Pastor McMinn replaces Steve Renfrow who pastored the church from its conception.

Pastor McMinn's first service at the church was Feb. 13. He is completing his seminary studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City. There he is enrolled in a master's of theological studies program. He graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University in 2005 with a major in Christian studies and an emphasis in Church music.

Although this is his first full-time pastorate, he served as a church planter in the Southern Baptist Church. At Heritage Indian Mission, Broken Arrow, Okla., he was the worship leader. At Baptist Singles Church, Tulsa, Okla., he was church planter and pastor.

He and his wife, Jenny, are parents of one daughter, Mary Lee, 17 months. His family will join him in Bluffton later this year.

Bluffton Baptist Church is located at 345 County Line Road.
